Marketing Case Study: China Southern Airlines’ Promotional Tie-In + Experiential Marketing

China Southern Airlines Company Limited is a leading airline based in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, which is among the largest airlines globally.
To tackle the challenge, J. Carol Marketing, Inc. was contracted by another agency to partner and tackle the challenge. The result was a strategic and unique partnership which was established with New York State’s tourism company, I Love New York, and Governor Cuomo’s office to promote tourism to New York State. The partnership created and launched a cross-promotion campaign between China Southern Airlines and the NYS Tourist Board. The campaign included branded messaging on the carrier’s headrest, a 30-second ad spot on the digital network, email blasts to travelers, as well as passive collateral distribution and a partnership press release announcement by Governor Andrew Cuomo.
To further emphasize the partnership between China Southern Airlines and the NYS I Love New York Tourism, blues performing street artists performed the traditional Chinese welcome song upon the arrival of the first flight to JFK, as a part of the experiential marketing strategy.
Business Impact
With a brand identity that was not clearly represented in the U.S.
market our goal was to bring China Southern Airlines’ authentic brand
identity to the forefront and increase brand exposure through
promotion and tie-in opportunities as they kick off their inaugural flight
from Guanzhou China to JFK Airport.
The partnership between New York State Economic Development’s
Tourism Bureau (I Love NY) and China Southern Airlines yielded
significant ROI for both partners. The PR efforts, press conference and
advertising roll out for its inaugural direct flight from Guangzhou,
China to JFK Airport created a rippling buzz in foreign and domestic